Surrogate Mothers
Online |
1. How does the banner program work?
Banners are displayed in a rotating order. This means that a different banner will display every time someone loads one of the pages listed in the table below. When all of the banners in the queue have been displayed, the rotation will begin again. Therefore, if there are two banners in the rotation, each ad will be displayed every other time one of the pages below is loaded. If there are three banners in the queue, each ad will be displayed every third time one of the pages below is loaded.
2.Where will my banner be displayed?
Section Pages currently displaying banner ads (at the header/top of all pages listed below as well as the footer/bottom of pages where indicated) Home Page
Main page of our website (Home page)
Message Boards (ALL) All message board pages (both header/top & footer/bottom of pages) Classified Ads (ALL) All classified ads pages (including 'Information for Professionals' page; classified ads home page also includes footer/bottom) About Us Index page (both header/top & footer/bottom of page)
Contact Us Index page (both header/top & footer/bottom of page) Articles Index page only (both header/top & footer/bottom of page) Birth Announcements Index page only Related Links Index page (header and footer of page), Agencies page, Attorneys page, Clinics page Sponsorship (ALL)
Main page and information pages (2)
Social Media
Banner sponsors/advertisers will have their company & website information as a featured post on our social media page(s)-we feature advertisers weekly on an equally rotating basis.
Our website is run under the following domains:
Your banner is run on each website domain at no extra charge-that's 5 websites for the price of 1!
Brock Jones - Professional web design/development.
5. What are your rates and Terms of Service?
To better accommodate your advertising needs, we now offer weekly and monthly banner campaign rate plans.*Terms of Service: Checks returned for insufficient funds, closed account, stop payment, etc will be accessed a $30.00 returned check charge. Payment for banner advertising is due within 14 business days of signup/renewal date. Overdue payments will be subject to a 5 percent late charge. Once your banner ad has been approved and uploaded and/or renewed, you are financially responsible for the amount due per the original agreement/invoice. Please do not request your banner be removed once your advertising has started and expect to not have to pay in full. It is our policy that we will not amend the original agreement/invoice and prorate the amount owed, and payments made for current banners running will not be refunded-if you request to have your banner ad removed prior to the contracted expiration date, the remaining time will be noted on your account for future use.
Length of Banner Campaign Rate
12 weeks $150.00 26 weeks $300.00 (Save $25!) 52 weeks $500.00 (Save $150!)
Your refusal to abide by the original agreement/invoice for your banner constitutes a breach of contract by you, therefore your banner account will be in default, at which time your banner advertising will be removed (suspended) from our website with the remaining time credited to your account which may be resumed once full payment (including any late charges applied) is received-we will not prorate your account. Banner removal/suspension for nonpayment DOES NOT remove your liability to pay the full amount owed per the original invoice (including any late charges accrued). In addition, we reserve the right to proceed with the following on accounts that have been suspended for breach of contract by you, which includes (but not limited to) : Any and/or all promotions, discounts, etc removed from original invoice and amount owed on your invoice will be based on our weekly rate, plus any late charges that have accrued. Also, advertising removal from our website, warning notice regarding nonpayment of advertising/breach of contract from your business placed on the public message boards & our social media accounts, complaint filed with the BBB, legal action taken to recover amount owed (including any/all attorney fees and court costs associated with legal proceedings) and future banner advertising will be subject to a prepayment requirement on your account. If you have concerns or there is an error regarding your original request and the invoice, please contact us. By submitting your banner ad request and verification indicates your agreement with our Terms of Service for the Banner Ad Program information and guidelines outlined here.
6. Is there a way that I can check the status of my account?
If you choose to become a sponsor, you may request a log of your stats via E-mail, which will detail the length of your banner ad campaign, how many times your banner has been displayed for the term of your banner and how many times someone has clicked on your banner. Please note that the banner program does not keep a history of old stat logs so you will need to E-mail your request for your stats log prior to the expiration date of your current banner ad. Once your banner ad expires and is removed from our website, the stat log history is deleted.
7. Sign up:
To become a SMO sponsor, please send an email containing the following information to Shannon at ShannonA@Surromomsonline.com
*Please include your banner as an attachment to your E-mail.
Company Name
Contact Name
Mailing Address
Email Address
The URL (Web Page address) that your banner will link to
The length of campaign you would like to purchase
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