It's TWINS!!!
1st Baby's Name
Reece (Boy!)
2nd Baby's Name
Nicole (Girl!)
Date of Birth
March 29, 2001
Congratulations to the Proud Parents
R & S
And to the Special Surrogate
Baby's weight
5 lb. 1.5 oz and 4 lb. 8 oz
Baby's length
17 3/4 in. and 17 in.
Birth Story
This was my 4th pregnancy and 2nd surrogacy. I was prepared to have a fast delivery, but nothing like this! My water broke at 8:00 pm (just in time to miss Survivor - waaaahhh) and by 9:30 my doctor was begging me to breath through the contractions and not push because the C-section room wasn't ready! LOL He wanted me to deliver in the C-section room just in case we needed to do a C-section on Baby B. It took only 1 push for Reece to come out once the room was ready. Nicole on the other hand was trying to dive out and the doctor couldn't push her arms back. He was preparing for a C-section. I was getting ready to cry since I was dreading the idea of having to have one. Just as he was about to make his first cut. I had a horrific contraction and I told him that I could feel her head and that she must have moved her arms. The U/S tech confirmed with the U/S, so with 1 mighty push Nicole was born at 10:24. Just 17 minutes after her brother. Everyone cried, especially me knowing that I just barely avoided a C-section. :)