It's a GIRL!!! |
Baby's Name
 Nichole Marie |
Date of Birth
March 30, 1999
Time of Birth
10:43 am
Congratulations to the Proud Parents
Steve and Lynn
And to their Special Surrogate
Baby's weight
8 lbs. 6 oz.
Baby's Length
20 1/2"
New Parents' comments:
Thanks to our wonderful and loving SM we now have the most precious gift of all, our daughter. Thank you Kim for everything!!!!
Birth Story:
On Tuesday night, March 30, around 8:38pm my beeper went off with all eights, the code for we're having a baby. We were over at some friends house and at first I wasn't really excited because everyone had been playing with the beepers all week. I began to think something was up when I called SM's house and got her voice mail. Thinking she was on the phone I waited and called back a little later, still voice mail. Around 9:00pm I called the hospital and sure enough SM was there and I got to talk to her!!! She said we had plenty of time as she was only 4cm and the contractions were still 4 min apart. She told us to take our time and get there when we could. (about 10 min after we hung up the Dr came in and broke her water.)
Well as DH and I are trying to act calm, we gather up our bags for the hospital, call our families and then head out. We arrive at the hospital about 9:50pm and SM is in the bathroom. About 20 min later her DH comes in and she calls for him. He helps her back to bed and I get a little concerned because she has four contractions right on top of one another and she is obviously in a lot of discomfort.
The nurse tells SM after the next contraction she is going to check her and then give her an epidural. DH and I go to get some ice while SM is being checked and on our way back down the hall SM's DH meets us and says, "If you want to see this you better come on. She's ready!"
Needless to say we are hurry back to the room and find everyone scrambling to get things together and Nichole is crowning. The Dr is trying to keep SM from pushing so they can turn Nichole and cut the cord from around her neck. As soon as the Dr gets her turned and the cord cut she has SM push and Nichole comes BURSTING out at 10:43 pm, followed by an explosion of amniotic fluid that soaks the Dr and splashes everyone else in the room. The Dr places Nichole on SM's tummy and all SM can say is "OH MY GOD" over and over. Everything happened so fast we were all kind of stunned. Nichole's face was very purple from bruising and the cord around her neck, her body was WHITE with vernix, and her head was covered in TONS of dark hair. Needless to say she was very colorful.
They moved Nichole to the warming table as the Dr finished up on SM. DH and I hovered over Nichole who was very bruised but scored a 9 on the APGAR. They had an oxygen tube laying by her nose to help her get oxygenated and I was concerned because she seemed rather lathargic but I guess she was just very stressed by the rapid delivery. Once the nurse was through checking her SM, DH and I all got to hold her. She was so beautiful and so perfect. After about an hour DH went to the nursery with Nichole and I stayed with SM for awhile. Then SM went to her room and I went to the nursery.
DH and I stayed in the nursery with Nichole giving her her first bath and taking her first pictures because in all the excitment we forgot about pictures before!!! Around 3:00am the three of us went to the feeding room and spent the rest of the night. The next morning we went to SM's room and left Nichole with her while we went home to shower and change and to give them some time alone together. We spent the rest of the day with SM and that night DH, Nichole and I stayed in a room on the womens unit. We spent the next day with SM waiting to go home. Once the papers were all signed we were all on our way. When we got into seperate cars to leave DH and I hugged SM and thanked her again and that was the hardest part for everyone.
The hospital was great. The director of the Mother & Child unit gave SM a huge basket full of Bath and Body products and they gave me a small basket and a child development book. They could not have treated us better and our experience was great. One really neat thing is that the day we were leaving some student nurses were on and it was my old class so lots of my old classmates got to meet Nichole and our SM.
We have spent a lot of time with SM and her family since Nichole's birth. I think it helps her to be able see us with Nichole and for her to see and hold her. We could not be happier or more proud. Our SM is the greatest and Nichole is perfect. She only crys when she is hungry and she is sleeping in four hour stretches at night now. SM is pumping, something we didn't count on, so Nichole is getting the good stuff!!!!
I can not explain how blessed we feel right now. Everytime I hold her or look at that adorable face my heart just swells. She is definately our Little Angel.