It's a GIRL!!! |
Baby's Name
Madison Anne
Date of Birth
October 6, 1998
Time of Birth
Congratulations to the Proud Parents
Grace and Frank
And to their Special Surrogate
Baby's weight
7 lbs. 13 oz.
Baby's Length
Surrogate's comments:
Welcome baby Madison! We all waited a long time for you to arrive. What a special miracle you are.
Birth Story:
I volunteered to be a surrogate mom for my best friends. It's a long story, but the short version is that I followed them through several attempts to overcome infertility. When they faced a tough decision over what to do with several frozen embryos that she could not carry, I knew I could help. After 6 1/2 years, the embryos were thawed and the transfer took place in January of 1998. Four embryos were transfered and by God's grace, one beautiful baby was formed. In spite of the emotional ride, the progesterone shots, the close calls and the incredible pain of delivery, this was one of the most incredible things I will ever have the opportunity to do. The joy of watching that family become complete is overwhelming. My husband and children were so supportive and I am truly proud that we had the opportunity to show our children how to really give for the good of others.