It's a GIRL!!!
It's a GIRL!!!
Baby's Name
Date of Birth
January 9, 2006
Time of Birth
12:52 pm
Special Surrogate
Laura - VeryLuckyGS
Baby's Weight
5 lbs 0 oz
Baby's Length
18 in.
Proud Surrogates's Comments:

Lauren was conceived via IVF after 4 failed cycles and almost 2 1/2 years.  Now she is home with her proud parents who stuck with me and had final success with our 5th and final cycle in April 2005.   Although her birth was not as planned and we had to do an emergency c-section due to placenta abruption, she is happy and healthy and after 5 years of trying and 7 cycles (2 with a former surrogate) they are finally blessed.

Lauren is proof that miracles happen. 

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