Birth Story:
After 4 days of natural inducement attempts I was admitted to the hospital
for a test run of artificial inducement. I arrived at 8:20 am on the 18th
to recive 1/2 tiny little pill. I was hoked up to the moniters until arround
1:00 pm then they sent me home. I was having contractions every 5 minutes
and they weren't getting strong or productive.
While at home I went about my normal rutines and waited for the pill to wear
off. It never did. I was getting tired of having those little anoyeing
contractions. When I went to bed I asked my husband to rub my legs because
they hurt. While he was rubing my knees I felt a POP in my lower stomach.
I wasn't sure what it was but I knew it wasn't my water. I layed there for
a second and a real big contraction came on. I figured it was because of
the POP so after the contraction was over I waited for about 10 minutes and
then tried to get up to use the bathroom. As soon as I was on my feet another
big contraction came on which put me face down on my bed agin. Right after
that contraction was over I got up immediately and went to the restroom.
By the time I walked the 6 feet to the bathroom another one came on just
as strong as the two before. My husband immediately got dressed and went
and got the nanny up . I called the hospital and my IP's. We left the house
at 10:10 PM and got to the hospital at 10:50 PM. By this time my contractions
were every 2 minutes.
My husband went into the hospital and told them I was having the baby and
they thought I was having her in the car :D! Two emergency crew and two OB
nurses ran out to assist. They wanted me to get into a wheel chair while
I was in the middle of a contraction so I told them don't touch me. One of
the OB nurses asked me which pregnancy is this and I told her #4. She told
everyone to leave me alone for a minute. Then I heard one of the emergency
room guyes ask if they needed to get a gurney. After the contraction was
over I got into the wheelchair and they practilly ran me to the delivery
room! As soon as I was in the delivery room they checked me and I was 6 cm
dioladed and 90% effaced. They got me into the tub and she was born 20 minutes
I had some serious bleeding after the delivery and lost alomst 2 pints of
blood. I refused a transfusion. My IP's didn't make it there in enough time
to be there for the delivery but were elaited to finally have their baby.
When IM walked into my room she got aligater tears in her eyes :)!
The next day I had to recieve iron through an IV because my iron level was
at 5 and normal is 12. I spent 3 days in the hospital getting strong enough
to go home. Eventhough I had some problems after delivery I still think it
was a wonderful experiance. My IP's are very wonderful people that I have
grown to care about. I am greatful that I was able to make their family complete!