It's a GIRL!!! |
Baby's Name
Date of Birth
July 18, 2000
Time of Birth
6:16 pm
And to their Special Surrogate
Rachel Lang
Baby's weight
7 lbs. 11 oz.
Baby's Length
18 3/4"
Birth Story:
Ok! So the tide has went back out again and I figured before the tide
came back in I should write this! I am sure I forgot some and if you wouldn't
mind adding in the missing pieces, since I am sure you remember better than
me anyways, I would appreciate it....
Tuesday, July eighteenth, I woke up at six thirty in the morning with a
contraction! Not exactly how I thought things would start but they did. I
didn't think too much of it until an hour later when I got up some liquid
rolled down my leg and I had had contractions every ten minutes consistently.
I went to the bathroom and had a bloody show. So I waited for awhile and
finaly broke down and called Jennifer, my doula. She advised me to take a
shower and see if the contractions would go away. They DIDN"T of course so
I called her back and with my contractions still coming we decided that I
would have to meet at the hospital. I called my friend Cristie and told her
what was going on and if she could take me to the hospital so I could meet
Jennifer. She couldn't stay with me because she had all of her kids and Mike
was at work but agreed to drop me off for the time being and promised she
would return. That was a big relief because I wanted her to be a part of
our experience and she is so calm and soothing I knew that she would be an
extra person to help me keep calm. I had it made between my wonderful doula
and Cristie I knew I would be ok. So I called Jennifer back and we agreed
to meet about one I think. I headed to Cristie's and on the way I had to
stop and drop off the movies so I wouldn't get a late charge. They were due
by noon and I knew if I didn't do it now it wouldn't get done. I got to Cristie's
and told her how I felt and waited for all the kids to get ready. While I
was there my contractions continued to get stronger and closer together!
I called Jennifer, or she called me, I can't remember and I told her i thought
we should meet earlier. Being the smart woman she is she told me she was
already on her way she was getting gas! Thnak God! That was a relief because
I just knew I was going to be stuck by myself for a long time! I wasn't!
Cristie told all the kids to get in the car and she closed the door. Hey
she forgot her purse! So she went back and got it off the porch while I was
giggling about her, I realized that i forgot ALL my hospital stuff! I left
my car at her house and I forgot to take my hospital bag out of the car!
WHOOOOOPS! Finaly we had all the kids all of the stuff we needed and we were
off. We went over the bridge and I had to give Cristie directions to the
hospital so I told her to take the exit and go south, well wouldn't you know
it she went North! So I calmly told her she went the wrong way. She was upset
that she went the wrong way but what could you do. We turned around at the
next off ramp. I was laughing at her and she was quite upset that she didn't
listen good enough and went the wrong way. Oh well. We got to the hospital
and took all of my stuff out and i stayed in front of the hospital waiting
for Jennifer to get there. Poor Cristie felt horrible for leaving me but
she coudln't very well stay with all the kids it would have been more stress
full. I kept trying to get ahold of Jennifer and DARN her phone wasn't going
through. Everyone was looking at me like I was a crazy pregnant woman standing
in front of the hospital with all of my stuff. Jennifer called me WHAT A
RELIEF!!! She said she would be here soon and I told her my contractions
were about eight minutes apart and getting stronger. She got there and we
loaded my stuff in her van. I was starving and I think she was too. We went
to Baker's Square and ate lunch. Wouldn't you know that we had a big group
of people next to us with a really obnoxious girl going on and on about how
her criminal justice teacher told them how to commit the perfect murder!!
It irratated me. It was hard to eat while having contractions but some how
I got down most of my food. I didn't eat dessert! I couldn't sit still anymore
so we left! Not before waiting for this big group of people to get out of
the way so we could pay! I was standing there having contractions and decided
I didn't want to stay there anymore so when our waitress walked by I handed
her the bill and told her I wasn't going to wait to pay it. We walked out.
I think I embarrassed Jennifer. Didn't mean too but I didn't want to wait
anymore. I hurt! We walked out and headed to Kmart! It was right across the
street from the hospital so we decided we would walk around there until I
couldn't handle it anymore. We did exactly that! We walked around and looked
at a lot of different things. I bent over the cart and Jennifer rubbed my
back every time I had a contraction! She was a savior!! She made me feel
so much better! When the contractions got to bad we got in line. I paid the
lady for my things and she dropped the change on the floor, or I did. She
said sorry and I told her just to leave it I didn't want it. I wasn't exactly
polite at that time though. Jennifer told the lady I was in labor and I am
sure she forgave me! As we walked out of Kmart Jennifer called Kaiser and
told them we were on our way. The nurse told her she had to talk to me and
of course refused to listen to her. I talked to her after she got done insisting
that I had to go get checked in the office, I was upset to say the least.
She also informed me that they had NO beds in labor and delivery! Was she
nuts. That upset me because my contractions were about three to four minutes
apart and had been for about an hour and she told me they had no rooms!!!!
AAAHHHHH! So we parked in the parking garage across the street. I told Jennifer
I didn't want a wheelchair I wanted to walk because I had already walked
ALL day! It was about three o'clock in the after noon. While I was walking
over to the hospital I leaned over the guard rail because I was having a
contraction and this lady asked me if I wanted a wheel chair. I SNARLED AT
HER NO, then when I realized it came out so nasty I said thank you. Poor
lady. I went to the doctors off ice and the doc checked me. I was only four
centimeters and about eighty percent effaced. They decided I was in labor
which I already knew and sent me to labor and delivery. I walked up to labor
and delivery where they had me change into one of thier gowns. I changed
in the Nurses lounge bathroom! Jennifer and I sat there until the nurse came
and got us and stuck me in a bed in the hallway! I was NOT a happy camper.
Rudy and John met us at the hospital and Rudy came to ask me how I was. They
would only let him come in for now since we were in the hallway. A few minutes
later they moved me into the observation room. I asked the nurse if they
could deliver in here and of course she said yes. The nurse let both Rudy
and John come in and see me and we sent them to the store to get the things
we forgot, like the calling card, gatorade and I don't remember what else.
They left after a few minutes and Jennifer and I stayed. The nurse came in
and told me Cristie was in the waiting room but they wouldn't let her come
in yet because I was in the observation room. When they changed shifts a
few minutes later I got to go take a shower! It felt good but after my
contractions came really fast and hard. After we got out of the shower I
finaly got a REAL room and they moved us. It was about four o'clock and the
nurse checked me after being in there for a few minutes. She said I was only
four to five and about ninety percent effaced! I couldn't believe it. I asked
for Cristie and she went and got her and let her come in! I had Jennifer
on one side keeping me focused and Cristie on the other side. Rudy and John
STILL weren't back and by five I was having so much pressure I couldn't take
it. I asked to go take another shower and the nurse wouldn't let me she wanted
to keep the monitor on the baby for a while. I don't know how many times
I asked to go take a shower and she kept telling me a few more minutes. I
told Jennifer the pressure was REALLY bad and the nurse refused to listen.
I guess the nurse got the doctor because I was so adament that I couldn't
handle the pressure. I doctor came in and took one look at me and knew something
was wrong! She checked me and I was ten she told me I could go ahead and
push. I told the nurse I told you I couldn't handle it! The nurse felt bad
because she didn't listen. She said she didn't think that I went that fast.
If Jennifer didn't keep on her about me needing to take a shower and if Jennifer
didn't listen I would have had her without the doctor there! Thank goodness
Jennifer is so persistant! I started pushing and they were rushing everything
into the room. It was after five sometime. I went from between four to five
to ten in about an hour! I did the same thing with my daughter. I started
pushing on my right side with Cristie holding my left leg up in the air,
and my water broke! I pushed I don't know how many more times and Juliet
was born at six sixteen pm on July eighteenth!!!!!!!!! She was so beautiful.
Rudy and John were so happy. We were all crying and so happy. I don't think
thier wasn't a person in the room crying! She was just beautiful! I couldn't
have done it without all of the support that I had. Jennifer kepty talking
to me and kept me focused. I had Cristie on the other side that kept talking
to me. I am not sure when exactly they got back from the store but I know
it wasn't long before I started pushing! The whole experience was just wonderful
and I am so greatful I had all the support I did! The only thing missing
was Ginger who decided to go out of town!