It's a GIRL!!!
It's a GIRL!!!
Baby's Name
Date of Birth
November 9, 2006
Time of Birth
Special Surrogate
Baby's Weight
7 lbs. 8 oz.
Baby's Length
19 1/4 in.
Birth Story:


First I have to say that each and everyone of you who said I should post a birth story, You were right! It was a day filled with blessings and so much love how could I not share it with others. It has been almost 7months since the most beautiful little girl was born but I can still remember every bit of it like it was yesterday. She will always be in my heart....

I was overdue and ready for this little one to meet her mommy and daddy. For some reason I knew that Thursday would be the day, call it intuition or just fate I just knew! I called S and requested she be in town for the dr's visit and make plans to bring home her baby! She was so excited! I will always remember she repeated the question "Are you serious?" over and over like as if she needed reassurance that FINALLY her dreams of holding her little girl in her arms were coming true. It was time for her to be a mommy again.

We met in the parking lot of the Dr.'s office. We took some pictures together and I got to meet K's mother. She has never been able to see any of her grandchildren born and asked if she could be in the room. I was filled with honor and said Yes! ofcourse she can see her granddaughter be born. We went into the office and I swear it felt like it took Forever for them to call me back. Each nurse I saw kept saying over and over they were surprised I was still pregnant. I just kept saying ME TOO!!! It is time! LOL!

The Dr. loosened my membranes and for just in case purposes scheduled an induction on Monday. She giggled if you make it over the weekend I will see you Monday. Funny enough I told her I would see her tonight.

It didnt take long for the contractions to start. I never knew how hard it was to drive and contract at the same time! Never want to do that one again! I called my husband said that this was it and picked him up from work.

Making the call to my IM, getting the chance to hear the excitement in her voice it was just perfect! We made plans to meet at the hospital, mind you we had just came from there not even a hour earlier....

We go through all the checking in and cervix check and I am 3 cm but she is still floating. I try to tell the Dr. that I labor fast and trust me she is coming tonight. They tell me to walk around for a while and then they will check me again. My contractions are consistent but they are not strong enough to really say I am in labor. My husband and my IM take turns walking my down the SHORT hall through labor and delivery. It comes to me that all L&D's need to be equipped with a mile long walking trail! I get to go back to my room and Hannah's big sister get the chance to watch her in action as she kicks and moves around in my belly. The look on her face was priceless! I was happy to have been able to give her that time with her baby sister.

I get checked again and I havent changed cervix wise but the baby has moved down. The DR decides to keep me and FINALLY someone listened when I said I labor fast! she was concerned I would come home and have to come right back and not be able to get an epidural in time! LOL! I told her that really I wouldnt go home and I would be walking up and down her stairs all night long! LOL!

they put in an IV and start the pitocin, let me tell you me and pitiocin get along quite well a bit too well! Not even 10 minutes later I start contracting hard. I NEED MY HUSBAND! Through out the whole 2 hours I was in labor he was my rock. My epidural was put in by a Dr who must of just gotten his degree last week and put it in incorrectly twice! It was a bit dramatic for my IP's to see me in pain. Esspecially their daughter who by the end of the night had come to the conclusion she was never having kids! LOL! That is what I said after my first and here I was giving birth for the fourth time. It is funny how fast you forget about the pain once you witness the birth of a miracle.

The Dr tried one more time for the epidural by that time I had already done most of the hard labor in the curled up ball DONT MOVE position and I was done! Ofcourse with my luck It was not working and I could feel I needed to push. I find it funny how a nurse can react to you and think you are not serious after only being in labor for 2 hours?? LOL! A few minutes later I say I feel something between my legs, warm....Nurse pulls up the sheet and RUNS!!! I never seen anyone sprint so fast and she Yells HEAD!!! down the hall! Not even 10 seconds later the room was filled with nurses and doctors and Hannah was born! She looked so small at first and we thought our bets on her wieght were wrong. Surprisingly, she weighed in at 7lbs. 8oz. and was Perfect! just perfect!

At that moment I became a witness to the most magical night in my life. I was able to witness what it was like to see hearts heal right before my eyes. Seeing them hold her and hug each other and hold each other...they were crying, not tears of sorrow but tears of joy and happiness. I got my perfect ending that I had always dreamed of since I started surrogacy. I got to see what it was like to touch someone in a way that most will never be able to say they did. I gave them a piece of my heart, and made them whole again.

My IM came to me and looked me straight in the eyes and said Thank you over and over. She then repeated just how perfect she was. I reminded her of what I said when we first met. I made her a promise and I kept it.

She then handed me Hannah, and I will never forget seeing her for the first time. As I gazed into her eyes for the first time, I just kept repeating over and over "she is perfect! Just so perfect!". I kissed her cheek and I said goodbye.To say goodbye forever is just impossible, one day either on earth or in heaven we will meet again. Until then, Please let her know just how special she really is. She is perfect! she is an angel!

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