
Baby's Name
Catherine 'Claire' Elizabeth Wilson
Date of Birth
November 20, 2004 |
Time of Birth
1:41 p.m.
Special Surrogate
Kourtney Goodman
Baby's Weight
7 lb 15 oz
Baby's Length
18.5 in
Proud Parents Comments:
Caiti Claire is our little Miss Sunshine. We are so
blessed to have her in our lives and we are deeply indebted to Kourtney
for her wonderful gift. After so many losses, this was such a healing
experience for us. We are humbled by what God can do. We had such an
incredible experience with this surrogacy. We not only got a daughter,
but an extended family as well. We absolutely love Kourtney and her
entire family. We hope to remain friends forever. We even asked
Kourtney to be Claire's Godmother. :o) She is a terrific mother, a
fabulous friend and a treasure to us all. We are so grateful! If we
could do it all again, we would in a heartbeat...
Birth Story:
(By new mommy Rosalyn)
I was attending a neighborhood ladies meeting that
evening when my 5 year old daughter came bursting through the door
saying that the baby was coming. I was very surprised as we had had a
few false alarms already. We frantically packed up the car and drove
through the night praying all the way that Kourtney and Claire were
safe and that we'd make it there in time. We arrived in San Antonio
around 3:00 in the morning to find Kourtney resting and her hubby
keeping watch over her. The next morning we all went to the hospital
where she was admitted FINALLY... She was pretty miserable and we had
hoped for an induction long before this date. Luckily we had a great
midwife that day and she gratefully started the pitocin. What seemed
like hours later, her contractions began to become fairly strong so
they gave her an epidural. Having heard that the epidural often slows
labor, we thought we had a long wait ahead. Imagine my surprise when
they came just minutes later and said I needed to come right away or I
would miss it! Holding one of Kourtney's legs and her mom on the other,
the midwife slowly eased that odd looking little head from it's hiding
place. Kourtney pushed only 4 times before Claire came into the world.
Before she could complete her last push, they had to move the umbilical
cord from around Caiti Claire's neck. But ll went well. It was
absolutely the MOST beautiful event I have ever witnessed. (My other
daughter was born via c-section, so I had never experienced anything
quite like this) I was trembling when they handed me the scissors to
cut the umbilical cord. It was so surreal. Kourtney's family was all
around her comforting her, and supporting her which was really neat.
The midwife handed the baby to Kourtney all pink and purple and covered
with the white millia sp?... After she said hello to her little
castaway, she handed her to me and I almost don't remember it as I was
in such shock. They were concerned because she appeared to be bruised
on her little face and head and they wanted to be certain she wasn't a
"blue baby". She was fine however and had an APGAR score of a 9.
Kourtney rested as my family came in to admire Claire. We had a lovely
large labor & delivery room. Caroline was so excited. Everyone held
little Claire and welcomed her to the world. It was a very special day.
Later they moved Kourtney to the Maternity Ward and she and John spent
the night while keeping an eye on baby through the night. When they
left the next day I felt like I'd never see her again. It was so hard
to let her go. That night Scott and I stayed with the baby in the
hospital and did some much needed bonding. We went home the next day. I
am glad to say that that was not the last time I saw Kourtney and we
have been able to visit when our schedules permit. I am so happy to
have her in my life and count myself blessed for having known her. I
hope all surrogacy experiences could be so special!