It's a GIRL!!!
It's a GIRL!!!
Baby's Name
Alexis Kaitlyn
Date of Birth
January 2, 2001
Time of Birth
9:14 am
Congratulations to the Proud Parents Brett and Molly
And to their Special Surrogate Morgan Karpa
Baby's weight
6 lbs 9 oz
Baby's Length
18 in.
Proud Surrogate's Comments:
This was my very first time being a surrogate mother. After seeing the joy and happiness that I brought to Brett and Molly, by giving them Alexis, I would definately do it again. We were all hoping Alexis would have been born on New years!!! But the second day of the new year is pretty great still!!!!!! I would be delighted if they ever asked me to carry a second child for them. I love you guys!!!!!!!

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