It's a BOY!!!
It's a BOY!!!
Baby's Name
Vincent Thomas Morrone
Date of Birth
September 30, 2004
Proud Surrogate
Paula (PRLittlefield)
Time of Birth
3:43 P.M.
Baby's Weight
3lbs 11oz (34 weeks due to uterine rupture)
I would like to say how blessed I was to be able to take my final journey through surrogacy with such wonderful, thoughtful, and caring IP's.  I do not consider you all as acquaintances or even friends any longer, you have now become a permanant part of our family!!  You know how much my entire family loves you both and how much we all adore Vinnie!  I love you all very much and am so glad we share such a great bond!  Vincent has more cousins and aunts and uncles than he will ever know what to do with!!!!!  I love you all!!!  Love, Auntie Paula


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