It's a BOY!!! |
Baby's Name
S. Rahman
Date of Birth
November 23, 2004
Special Surrogate
Time of Birth
Baby's weight
8 lbs. 6 oz.
Baby's Length
21.5 inches
Birth Story:
We had got the chance to have the baby one wk. early so
everyone could be there..It was such a wonderful cool day..They put me
on the drip about 8 am and by 2 pm i was about 7 cm. The Dr. said that
he wasn't going to leave the hospital because after I hit 7 cm,I go
pretty fast to 10 cm...well he lied because he went back to the
office..And for what seemed to be an hour I felt like i had to
push..Everyone kept telling me not to that the Dr. wasnt there and he
was on his way..I started to get upset that he wasn't there and i was
ready to push..Then My Mom told me that he had just pulled up and he
was running in but that was a lie too...Lets just say i said somethings
that i couldn't believe came out of my mouth...Everyone was
Laughing...Out of the corner of my eye i could see someone in a white
coat so i looked over and it was a Dr. just standing there..I asked
what he was doing just standing there and they told me that my Dr.
wanted to Delievery the baby,so this Dr. was just on stand by in case
mine didnt make it..well a couple of mins. Later My Dr. came running
in..Everyone told him that i wasnt very happy with him right there and
that i had some choice words for him and he said that he would have
loved to be a fly on the wall to hear it..well i couple of pushes later
and a beautiful Baby boy was born...