It's a BOY!!! |
Baby's Name
Robert Karl
Date of Birth
February 20, 2007
Special Surrogate
Time of Birth
6:19 am
Baby's weight
8 lbs. 21 oz.
Baby's Length
21 inches
Birth Story:
Good Afternoon Everyone
Tomorrow our son Robert Karl will be two weeks old. Little Bobby is
what we call him arrived on Feb. 20th at 6:19 a.m and weighed in at
8lbs and 15 ozs and 21 inches long with lots of Auburn hair.
This journey has been an incredible ride. Our GS Adriane was phenomenal
through out the whole process and still continues to be my rock and
confident. She is amazing. The things all of you GS's do for the IP is
amazing. The support I have received from this organization has been
invaluable. Thank you so much for everything.
I will try to keep our story as short as possible. Our GS had a Dr.
Appointment on the 19th at 3:00 p.m. at that time she was have
contractions about every 6 minutes apart. While on the medicine to keep
the contractions down. We did a lot of debating in the office about
whether we should go ahead and deliver today or wait because we were
3.5 weeks early. The final decision was to send Adriane home and double
up on her meds and plan an amnio for Wednesday to see if the baby's
lungs were developed enough. At 2:30 a.m. on the 20th my DH and I
received the call from our GS's husband Jim and said they were on the
way to the hospital. When we got to the hospital she was having
contraction about 2.5 to 3 minutes apart but was not dilating. Before
we left the doctor's office earlier the doctor told us if she starting
to go into labor to go straight to the hospital and have them call him
and he would go ahead and deliver. Well the house doctor decided that
he would give her a shot to stop the contractions and send her home if
that subsided the contractions. Well needless to say we were all upset
with that decision. They gave her the shot and instantly the
contractions stopped. The nurse came in the room then and I explained
to her that our Dr. told us is she went into labor to call him. She
indicated they called the on call doctor and the on call doctor said to
give her the meds and see what happens. Then my husband got upset and
took me in the hall and said I need to go to the nurses station and
explain to them what our doctor said. So I made my way to the nurses
station and pulled out all the punches. And told them I didn't just
spend close to $100,000 to have this baby for you people to jack around
so I suggest you get our Dr. on the phone and get his opinion not some
other person. By the time I got back to the room Adriane was back to
having contractions every three minutes. A few minutes later the house
Dr. walked in the room and said how does 5:30 a.m. sound. I said what
does that mean he said we are doing the c-section at 5:30 which is
about 45 minutes from now so we have a lot of things to get done.
At 5:45 Adriane walked into the OR to get ready for the event. About
6:00 a.m. my brother came by to see how things were going. My brother
runs the surgery department at this particular hospital. Obviously that
is why we picked this hospital. The nurse was having a hard time
holding our GS to get the tap in place so my brother helped out and I
was walking in the room at about 6:05. I walked in and Adriane had just
gotten sick and threw up all over my chair. They began the c-section
and with in a few minutes which seems like forever our son was out and
was screaming at the top of his lungs. At that very moment I leaned my
forehead on Adriane's and thanked her and began to cry. A moment I will
never forget. A few minutes later after the evaluation and cleaning
they brought our miracle baby over for both of us to see.
Then Little Bobby and I went to the nursery to get cleaned up. It was
an amazing experience. This was the first time this hospital has ever
dealt with a Surrogate and it was also the first time our court system
has dealt with it. We had to have a social work consult later that day
and the social worker came in to talk about the paper work. The social
worker wanted to know something specific about the paper work and I was
holding the baby and I said I needed to get my papers. I stood up and
handed the baby to my GS's husband and the social worker said WOW you
guys do everything together with this baby. I looked at her and said I
wouldn't have this child with out his help and support so yes it is a
group project.
When our GS filled out the birth certificate information the nurse said
you know you don't have to put your husband's name on the birth
certificate don't you and I said yes we know that but we didn't get
here without him.
There are so many other details I would love to share but this is
starting to get very long and the little man is starting to get hungry.
Here are a few pictures of our special man.
Thank you again to all the wonderful GS's out there without you people
like me would not be experience this wonderful experience of mother