It's a BOY!!! It's a BOY!!!
Baby's Name
Date of Birth
March 29, 2000
Time of Birth
4:52 PM
Congratulations to the Proud Parents
David and Rita

And to their Special Surrogate

Baby's weight
5 lbs. 4ozs
Baby's Length
17 1/2 inches
Surrogate's Comments:
First of all I would like to thank my wonderful husband Don, David and Rita for being so extremely supportive during the pregnancy. They were all so good to me. Then I want to thank David and Ritas families, hospital staff, doctors and all of David and Rita's friends that have been with them from the beginning. WE DID IT!!
Birth Story:

Parker was due on May 3rd 2000. To my suprise on Monday March 27th at 9:10pm I was laying in bed and my water broke. FIVE WEEKS EARLY!! I called Rita to let her know, shortly after we were all on our way to the hospital. IP's met Don and I there at approx. 10pm. I was checked and dialated to 2. To make a long, long story short, after about 38 hours I was still dialate to 2. Contractions were coming more ofter and more painful. (Wednesday 29th approx. 1pm.) At this point I asked for an epidural. Rita was there with me. (Don and David had left for a while.) She was my lifeline right now. The contractions were extremely painful, however Rita was there breathing with me, counting with me and basically pushing me through this part of labor. I was checked again, and was dialated to 6 and very soon after that it was 10. Now I'm dialated to 10 and have to hold the baby in until David and Don get back to the hospital. Rita was paging them and telling them to hurry and get back to the hospital. (They were stuck in the middle of town in commute traffic.) They guys did make it back on time...... (I wasn't about to deliver this baby without his daddy in the room!)

Parker came into the world at 4:52pm. The joy, happiness, and excitement in that room was amazing. The doctors, nurses, everyone there was so happy. This is an exterience my husband and I will never forget.

David, Rita and Parker will forever be in our hearts.

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