It's a BOY!!!
Baby's Name
Nicholas Scott
Date of Birth
March 17, 2002
Congratulations to the Parents
Vicky and Ken
And to the Proud Surrogate
April aka Madison's Mother
Time of Birth
1:25 am
Baby's weight
7 lbs 11 oz
Baby's Length
20 inches
Proud Surrogate's Comments:
I would like to say that it was a true pleasure to carry and give birth to Baby Nicholas. He is a wonderful baby boy who will always make his parents very proud. It was also a pleasure to work with Vicky and Ken and I know they will be the best parents that a child could ask for! Thanks V&K for making this experience turn out so wonderful! I will always love you all and little Nic too!
Birth story: This story starts out three weeks before my due date according to my Dr. THe last Sonogram I had done had given me a due date of March 17th (when he was born) And had him weighing in at 8lb 8oz I just about fell off of the table when she told me that because I was still 3 weeks earley according to my Dr. So I freaked! I called the Dr and ask if everything should be ok because he was looking so big. So she had me come in for another Glucose test and it was fine, Thank God! My feet were swelling sooo bad that I had to take the shoe strings out of my shoes and STILL couldnt get them on!!! But my Dr said that she had me at 27 weeks so I should wait another week and then she would see how things looked and if I was miserable then she would think about inducing. Well on the morning of March 17th I woke up around 7 am feeling contractions. They didnt hurt but were getting uncomfortable. I timed them and they were about 15 min apart so I thought that it was Braxton Hicks AGAIN! I laid in bed and watched TV for about 3 hours, still having the contractions about every 15 min. I just knew it was false labor.
About 10 Am I decided to go downstairs and tell my mom that I was having the contractions about every 15 min. (I luckily stayed at moms the night before) Before I went to tell her I decided to go take a pee pee. When I sat down on the potty I noticed spotting in my undies. I said OH NO I guess this might be real! SO when I wiped, the most yucky icky slimy mucas came out! (sorry I know its gross) But it had a mixture of blood. So I went and told my mom. She freaked! and said oh no its time. I said no it couldnt be because Im not in any pain. Just a little bit of cramping in my back. WEll I decided to drive on to Huntington (where the hospital is) JUST IN CASE! It takes me 2 hrs to get there and I wanted to be able to make the trip while I was feeling comfy and before the REAL pain hit! SO we stopped and got my moms sister (her and mom deliverd babies years ago) I felt safer having her with me JUST IN CASE he decided to come on the way to the hosptial but thank god he didnt. WE got to huntington around 1 pm or so and we got a hotel room. By now I was having VERY uncomfortable contractions but they werent regular. I decided not to go to the hospital just yet because I knew they would make me lie in the bed YUCK! Didnt want to do that. So after getting the hotel room, we decided to go to Kmart to do some walking and shop a little. THe contractions kept coming and by now they were between 10 and 7 min apart but not regular. You see, I wanted to be sure that I was in REAL REAL labor before going to the hospital. SOOOO on to Kmart we went!
WE got to Kmart and it seemed with every contraction they got harder and more uncomfortable. I walked in Kmart for about 45 min and then I said I have to go to the car. With every contraction I had to hold on to the cart and just deal with it. People looking at me weird and my mom would go to explain that WE WERE IN LABOR! heheheh ANd they would be saying oh im so sorry! HAHAHA Anyways we left Kmart and I still didnt want to go to the hosptial until my contractions got regular. SO we went to another store. And still yet, with every contraction the pain got worse. WE shopped more and I just walked as much as I could stand to walk and then I said lets go to the hotel and let me lie down for just a little bit. WE got to the hotel and I sat down on the bed. My mom would rub my back with each contraction because they were geting pretty hard! I sat there about 30 min and said LETS GO! I have to have something for this pain. Honestly I didnt think I had dilated any because my contractions were between 7 to 5 min apart but not reqular at all! I got to the hospital and was in alot of pain. THey put me in a bed and I ask when I could have something for the pain. She said AS SOON AS I GET YOU REGISTERD! SOOO I had to lie there in alot of pain, contractions about every 5 min. SHe finally got me registerd and when they checked me, to my suprise I was dilated 4 cm's. OK I said this is enough, I want a pain shot!!!! AND NOW! I told mom to hurry and call Vicky and Ken as I wanted to be sure they made it there in plenty of time. I finally got a pain shot and it hit me FAST hehehe I was flying high. Contractions started about every 3 min!
OK the pain was very very hard and the pain med didnt help the pain but it did help me rest between contractions. I was then told that my Dr was out of town I just about had a heart attack! This intern came in and said I WILL BE YOUR DR! OOOOH my, but I didnt really care at this pont, whoever! didnt matter to me! I just wanted to either have the baby or just go to sleep and not wake up for several hours! I ask for my epidural. She told me that I couldnt get it until I had bloodwork. I ask for her to please get the bloods done in a hurry and she explained that she was trying! It took the over an hour to take my blood and get the results! I would call the nurse with every contraction (now 1 min apart) and ask if my bloodwork had came back. I know she hated me so much! Each time she would say no, I wanted to kill her! FINALLY!!! I got a yes! Oh I was in heaven...and then she said BUT......(OH MY GOSH if I could have got my hands around her neck she would be a dead woman right now)! SHe said your platelets (spelling) are low and we have to do more bloodwork on you! She explained that if I were to get the epidural there was a possibility that I could hemmorige (sp) and I said I DONT CARE IF I DO JUST GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL hehehe she said no! Ok to make a long story short I laid there for about 7 hrs in A GREAT DEAL OF PAIN before I could get the epidural OOOOOH BUT WHEN I GOT IT, was I in heaven! SOOOOO now it is about 11:30 PM and they decided to break my water! and I was dilated 7 cms. Good news, the water was clear and the baby moved down really good but not good enough so they let me lay for 2 hrs to give him a chance to find his way out. I was telling him to go toward the light heheheheh!! Finally at about 1 am she came in to check me and I was complete and he was ready to come out! I was in a panic afraid that I would be able to push him out affraid that he may be too big. But I was going to give it all I had! I ask my sweet IM to please be in the delivery room with me and she was delighted. My IF waited in the waiting room with my family. MY IM held one of my legs and my moms sister held the other while my mom took pictures. With 4 contractions little baby Nicholas Scott came into the world just so wonderfully perfect and just crying a little. They laid him on my stomach and I wiped his sweet little face and wrapped him in his blankie and handed him to his very nervous mommy!
AS I handed him to his mommy I said "from me to you" and we both just felt the most peaceful joy and love that I could never explain! THey took baby Nic out of her arms to take him and clean him up a bit and she stayed by my side. HE was in his warmer and everyone was looking at him. MY IM still be my side holding my hand. I said Vicky, go see your new baby, and she ask if I was ok. I told her that I was wonderful and it touched my heart that she cared enough to be sure I was ok first! I love her for that! WEll after I got all cleaned and coverd, the new daddy got to come in! HE sat in the chair and Vicky reach him the new baby boy! Oh his face was glowing and his eyes sparkled! THe new parents finally got what they had worked so hard for and I think I can speak for them, It was worth every second of it. While my IF held him he ask if I had got to hold the baby yet, that was sooo sweet! I told him to have his time first and I would hold him later. I was so blessed to have IP's that really cared about me and to know that I could hold Nic whenever I wanted made me soooo wonderfully happy and at peace. They stayed two doors down from me in the hospital and I would visit with them once in a while and they were so sweet to let me and my family tend to Nic like feed him, change him and hold him. My little girl calles him her baby brother because she knows he came out of my tummy. I will explain things better to her as she gets older. THe last day came upon me, time for me to go home. I was awake about 7 am that morning. I could feel myself start to feel bad because I didnt know how I would feel when I had to leave that hospital. I didnt know if I would be happy sad or what. I had never went into a hospital, had a baby and went home empty. SO I laid in bed trying my best to keep myself from crying. AS I laid there I had thought of all I had went through and rethinking the birth made me so happy but then again I was sad for some reason. I guess the hormones started. I thought "what if they are just letting us see nic because the feel they have to" Knowing in my heart that wasnt true. But it made me feel yucky inside. I called my mom at the hotel hoping she would come over to visit. I was so lonely I needed someone there. But she was still asleep and so was my daughter so I didnt ask her to come over, I was only hoping she would. I sat ther for hours just dying to hold Nic, talk to him and smell him once more but was so afraid to bother my ip's. I didnt want to aggrovate them. Finally after setting there for a while I decided to walk to their room.
And as always I was greeted in with love and a peaceful feeling. After setting there for a couple min my IM told me that she wanted MAdison to pick out an outfit to dress Nic in so we could get more pics and noone knows what a burdon that lifetd off of me. It seemed right then the sadness left. I knew that they really did want to let us tend to Nic a little. So my family got there and we all played with nic, took hundreds of pictures and Madison got to change his diaper! SHe was thrilled. My IP;'s had to make a trip downstairs for paperwork so we kept the baby with us while they were gone. Some of IF's family had came by too to visit. While my IP's were gone, my hormones took over! I went back to my room crying harder that I have ever cried in my life. MY dad came in to talk to me and got me under control. A few min later here came my IF in with the baby and said that he had brought me a visitor! OH HOW SWEET! THat meant the world to me! WE set and let me cry a little and my IM told me how much they really appreciate me and how many lives I had touched by bringing this precious little boy into the world! We cried together! THey then left the room to give me and NIC a little time together before I had to leave. (ok this is a little hard for me still) I cant see what I am typing I cant help but cry when I think about it. I talked to Nic, held him close and told him that I would always love him and would never forget him. I smelled his little skin and felt his little heart that I had so many times heard beat. I touched his little feet that had kicked me so so so many times and wished that I could feel that just one more time. ANd the sadness of knowing I would never feel that again was almost unbearable. I sobbed and prayed that God would always keep him in his arms. I then took him back to his mommy and daddy so I could say my goodbyes. I hugged my IM and thanked her soooo much for letting me hold Nic and spend some time with him before I left. WE hugged and cried together and told each other how much we meant to one an other! I thanked my IF for being so kind to me and showing me how much they really care. I turend to walk out of the hospital and I must say that it was beyond hard to do. Not that I wanted to take NIc home, not like that at all, but seeing all the other mothers looking at their babies through the window just about killed me. I stopped to take a look at the babies that were in there just for a sec and my heart ached, and my body was in shock but only for a second. I then seen my mom and daughter waiting on me so I left the hospital and have never felt so empty in my life but yet I felt at peace in a way. I cant say that I was sad but the hurt that I felt was something that went very deep. I wouldnt have had this end any other way because Nick has the best parents in the whole wolrd and they have the sweetest most precious baby in the whole world. They are a perfect family! I would do it 1 million times over again to put Nick and his parents together at last!
My family has been my support and behind me 100% and I am so thankful for that! But when I arrived at home I wore a smile and treid to hold my head up high! Everyone was telling me what a great person I was but I only wanted to feel normal for just one second. I felt like I had just stepped out of a movie or something. Deep down i was so terribly happy and so i love with my journey. ANother part of me was dying inside because I really didnt know how to deal with the hormones. I was afraid to cry, afraid that I would fall into depression or something. Part of me wanted to cry, because I then felt better! I was torn. MY little girl kept me busy and my parents stayed with me, god love their hearts. I still have my moments, but knowing that I can call about Nic anytime that I want helps me sooooo much that noone will ever know. I like to buy things for him because it make me feel like I havent lost someone but only gained him and his family as a part of my family. I do have my split second moments that make me feel so empty and lonely but most of the time they go as fast as they come. I wouldnt trade this experience for 1 million dollars or more and am so happy that I did it. I concider myself very lucky to have worked with Vicky and Ken and I am sooooooo BLESSED to be little Nicholas' surromom! HE is perfect in every way and my love for him will always be there! HE is going to always be special to me. HEs my little man! Vicky and Ken if you read this, thanks again for the love and support that you showed me and my family in the hospital! I will always love you all and you will always be my family!
Love your surromom April and her Princess Madison