It's a BOY!!! |
Baby's Name
Kysen John
Date of Birth
June 25, 2007
Special Surrogate
Kylee (surromumNZ)
Time of Birth
Baby's weight
8 lbs.
Baby's Length
20 inches
Birth Story:
Had a
normal day sunday at mums for lunch altho
thinking back now i guess it was quite unusual that i wasn't very
hungry and i
was really quite lethargic not to mention short on temper actually i
spent all
of sunday afternoon screeching at the kids like i was a mad woman
(sorry kids
mummy does love you).Went to bed early to put my feet up to watch TV
and turned
off everything and slept at 10.30.Woke up at 11.30 with a shocking
lower back
ache and the worst heartburn you could imagine!! so i got up for a wee
noticed the tiniest streak of blood on the paper but didnt get my hopes
up and
went back to bed.Was so excited thinking maybe this was really it (keep
in mind
ive never spontaneously gone into labour,had a show or had my waters
rupture) i
couldnt sleep and was having niggles and needing to wee every 20 mins
so.Finally at 2 i went and woke ben and said i felt unwell and maybe
the baby
was coming and he made me a cup of tea and we watched some stupid
haunted house
thing in my room till 3 but as i had no regular contractions i told him
to go
back to bed as i didnt think the baby would ever come.3.30 i got up yet
for a wee and YAYYYYYYY i had a small show so back to tell ben that yes
was coming today and we needed to finish packing my bag and that we
would wake
the children and drive to stratford birthing centre when my
regulated as i didnt want to wake all the families involved (how
considerate of
me) .By 4 my contractions were regular and 8-10 mins apart so i woke
the kids
and loaded everyone up the van for our drive and got ben to ring mum to
her it was happening.Got to mums and the contractions were still
regular but
not at all painful but yippeeee my waters broke lol just a little gush
every contraction so at ten to five mum rung the baby's parents to tell
them to
come on in they would have a new son by the end of the day.Mum rung the
and told her i was now 5 mins apart and she suggested we move over to
the unit
due to my usually very quick births,of course we couldnt go there tho
until i
had a chocolate bar and mum bought smokes so off to the all night
garage first
lol what a sight we must have looked all crammed in mums rav4.Got to
the birthing
unit and contractions were still easy.Babys parents arrived and slowly
contractions got steadily stronger and by 6.30ish i was really feeling
them so
with mum and babys mums assistance i had a shower (quite funny really
as we
were laughing at the fact i had to remove my fanny piercing before
birthing),the shower helped put me into a good established labour and i
the urge to get onto the bed.After what felt like forever those
hit me hard,i was so scared as the pain was like nothing i had felt
before and
i wanted to stay calm for my children's sake but OMG i couldnt as i was
my little heart out and that baby just wasnt budging,i remember
screaming that
he was stuck and everybody telling me to push harder but i was just so
tired and seriously it was breakfast time and i couldnt understand why
midwife wouldnt let me stop and have some LOL.Finally after what seems
forever i felt the baby crowning and i felt him jam on my wee hips and
and to make it worse i crapped myself (oh the shame of it) i kept
pushing but
his head just wasnt moving and the pain got so bad i saw my life flash
my eyes.With some assistance from my midwife finally his head was out
but i was
tired now and honestly didnt understand why the midwife wouldnt just
pull him
out (i asked her nicely) but with all my might i got his shoulders out
and it
was welcome to the world baby!!!!! his mum caught him but then he was
onto my tummy by the midwife and a sheet put over him i was sitting
thinking hang on this wasnt the plan,i dont want him.I lifted the sheet
and saw
he was blue and purple and i was thinking OMFG hes dead,after close to
a minute
and alot of slaps finally he cried and i was so relieved.His dad cut
his cord
and baby was given to me and i was told *here kylee give your baby to
his mum*
,I must say handing that screaming huge bundle of baby to his mum was
the most
surreal thing you could imagine,she was crying and shaking so much she
barely take him from me she kept repeating thankyou over and over and
the look
of love and understanding she gave me will forever be imprinted on my
stay at the unit was nice,day 1 was great and the parents friends and
spoilt me rotten,day 2 i had a few tears but nothing major.Day 3 saw me
standing outside at 3.20am in the cold sobbing where nobody could hear
me,erratic thoughts running through my mind and the urge to go and get
baby out of his crib and run away with him was so strong that i went
inside and
sought out the company of the night nurse,all i wanted was to hold my
baby and
tell him that i love him.Day 4 was goodbye day and i woke feeling blue
i was saying goodbye not goodbye forever but i knew from that day on i
would no
longer be his mum,i avoided holding him and just watched him till mum
to collect me.I packed my stuff and told mum ok its time to go now and
stood in
my room looking thru to his room where he was sleeping and realised i
couldnt say goodbye and then i broke down in front of everybody and
that was
the last thing i wanted to do,i knew when i was carrying him it would
be hard
but this was torture i was leaving the unit without my 4th child,my 4
day old
son!.Walking out those doors is the hardest thing i have ever
done.Everyday his
parents thank me for giving them the child that they would never have
had but
everyday i thank them for trusting me to grow and nurture their child
in my
womb.This has been an amazing experience for myself and my family and
and yes i would do it again in a heartbeat,it was a hard birth and has
hard on me mentally but thats 2 small negatives out of the billions of
positives i have gained,my family has extended greatly and hey ive got
a baby i
dont have to get up with in the night or change crappy nappies lol.