It's a BOY!!! It's a BOY!!!
Baby's Name
J. Bo
Date of Birth
March 29, 2007
Special Surrogate
Time of Birth
Baby's weight
7 lbs. 1 oz.
Baby's Length
19.5 inches
Birth Story:

We arrived at the hospital for an external version as he was breech -- the doctor was able to turn him - but he quickly flipped back up - so tsmommy had a c-section. She did such a great job - I was never so proud of anyone as I was her at that moment!!! The baby was crying before he was completely out -- they placed him on the warmer and I couldn't take my eyes off him --- 6 weeks later - I can still spend hours just staring at him --- thanks to our amazing traditional surrogate we are a family complete!

Additional Comments by Parents:

Thank you so much!!!! For years - this was only a dream and now -- it is reality thanks to you!

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