It's a BOY!!! |
Baby's Name
Corey Blake
Date of Birth
January 23, 1996
Time of Birth
2:36 am
Congratulations to the Proud Parents
Sam and Debbie
And to their Special Surrogate
Baby's weight
10lbs 6 oz
Baby's Length
I've never experienced greater joy then to help somebody else out to create a child. I am a happily marriged 35 year old with 4 children. ages 13,10, 8, and 5. When I heard that Sam and Debbie couldn't have a baby, it never occured to me that I could help them out by being a surrogate. When I learned about it, it did make me nervous at first but after meeting the couple I wasn't nervous anymore and was so happy that they asked me to be the surrogate. Itss been the greatest opportunity in my life that I would never change in the world. I have 4 children. Why not help someone else out. Don't ever pass this up.