It's a BOY!!! |
Baby's Name
Date of Birth
June 8, 2005
Special Surrogate
Time of Birth
8:06 pm
Baby's weight
7 lbs. 2 oz.
Baby's Length
20 in.
Birth Story:
On June 8th IM and I went to our 8:45 am doctor appt
and found out I was still 3 cm dilated and 75% effaced and since I was
contracting the doctor decided that today the baby was going to come.
Dr stripped my membranes in the office and was going to send us over to
the hospital and one of her associates would come to break my water.
Right away the contractions were getting stronger and I was beginning
to leak amniotic fluid. I was already getting nervous because the
father was at in their home town which was 45 minutes away and we all
thought I would go fast. When we were getting ready to leave the
doctors office the staff gave us a hug and wished us well and said they
would be up to see us. What got me laughing was when the receptionist
asked me if I was having contractions and I replied with a yes she
said, "Good for you!" It did make us laugh. As soon as we were out the
door the mother and I started making our phone calls. We decided to
leave my truck at the doctor's office and I would ride over to the
hospital with her as we didn't want my water to break while I was
driving. Thank goodness I had my bag and stuff with me. I even brought
a cat stuffed animal that looked my cat at home. I love stuffed animals
what can I say
When we arrived to the hospital they took us up to our room with me in
the wheelchair since I was leaking some amniotic fluid. When we got to
our room I got into the gown and contractions were still coming but not
very strong. I decided to get on my hands and knees while in the bed
and IM would rub my back during contractions. It was about thirty
minutes later when they came in to put the monitor on and started my
IV. I was getting nervous when they started the pitocin since IF wasn't
there yet. I was just afraid that I would go so fast. I remember asking
IM over and over is everyone on their way here. It was close to an hour
later when a associate of my dr came in to break my water. The first
attempt did not go very well as it was very painful so she decided to
give me some phenergan and stadal to relax me and then try again. The
associate of my dr was the doctor who had delivered my son so I was
very comfortable with her and was very impressed that she remembered
that I was allergic to some medicines. Well we got my water broke and I
can remember getting up to go use the restroom after and it was
interesting trying not to step in the fluid. I had on green tie dye
socks for good luck that we had to take off to dry.
I next remember sleeping for awhile and waking up during some of the
contractions. At this point they were very tolerable. I had the CD
turned on, one of the two that IF had got for me to play for baby while
I was pregnant. It was the one that baby liked the best I believe. I
was given a red single rose in a vase with a card from IFs sister and a
dozen yellow roses in a vase from my IPs at that point. I had to go to
use the restroom a lot and it seemed like every ten minutes but I am
not sure if it was that often. I had noticed that the contractions were
getting stronger but thank goodness not really lasting that long.
Breathing through them seemed to be easy. As soon as they would peak
they seemed to go right away, but they seemed to be most painful right
in the front and very low. I got on the birthing ball but didn't get to
stay on it for very long. They wanted me to be in bed. The staff gave
my IPs the room next to us for them and their family. (This hospital
you labored and delivered in and then went to another room to post
pardom in) I got to meet more of IPs family that I had not gotten to
meet yet which was nice. Their family was in and out of the room while
I labor. As hours would go on I would progress but not as fast as we
thought I would. The RN thought I would deliver by 4pm or 4:30pm but
nope. I did get some pain medicine by IV twice which took the edge off
the contractions and I got to rest some. We had noticed baby's
heartrate dropping a bit and they said that was from him coming down
but I said I would take oxygen if they wanted me too which I did. I at
some point lost one of my earrings and couldn't believe I lost it. We
knew it came off at some point when I either took off or put on the
oxygen mask. We finally found it! I wanted to be wearing them when I
gave birth. I remember my RN telling us that our doctor had another
patient at another hospital as she was pretty much the same as me and
we were starting to wonder if she would be the one delivering the baby.
If she wasn't then Dr. Riley would deliver the baby which was fine but
we really wanted Dr since she was our doctor for our surrogacy. (Things
started to get really painful so I am going to do my best on the rest
of the birth story) They turned down the pitocin so Dr could deliver
the other woman's baby. We at that point got my socks back on for good
luck, When she got back to us we tried pushing even though I was
only at 8. IF looked like he was getting very nervous at this point. I
was asked about an epidural and I said no but after talking about
everything I decided to go with a spinal. Trying to get that was hard
as ever being as once the doctor got it all set up we had to wait for
medicine!!!!! Dr looked me in the eyes and breathed through the
contractions with me while I was getting the spinal. Needless to say I
fell in love with the doctor that put that in J. I pushed and pushed
and pushed with the help of IM, my mother, one of IMs sisters and other
family members off and on. I of course got so tired and said I couldn't
do it but with all of them reassuring me I got to pushing again. Baby
was looking up and Dr got baby to turn his head but he went back to
looking up. I got stuck at 9 and every once in awhile with a good push
I got to ten during but never could stay at ten. The spinal was wearing
off and since I knew I had a lot of more pushing to do we went with an
epidural. I remember laying into IM and telling her and my RN for
someone to look me in the eyes and help me breathe. Once the epidural
took effect it was let me rest for an hour and push again. Well it
wasn't an hour and we were back to pushing again. I had pushed for
hours and I was so exausted. I asked at that point for IM to get in bed
with me and hold me up. I think we actually put my legs in stirrups for
maybe 3 pushes but it seemed harder so I and just held my legs. They
decided to get Dean, Sheila and I ready for a c-section and after we
were ready they would check me one last time. I watched my IPs get
ready and I cried so afraid of having to go through what I was about to
go through. Here we had conquered so much with baby being breech for so
long and now this. One of IMs sisters had reassured me that it was
going to be okay. I was given some stuff to drink which I threw up and
by then it was time to check me and low and behold I was told to push
again! Still at a 9 so off we went to the OR. I remember while being
wheeled out asking my mom to call Scott and have him head to the
hospital. I got sick in there again and all I could feel was my arms
and I remember asking them just to knock me out. A RN held my hand
until they started and said she was going to check my cervix again
which I never felt. I didn't even know they got started on cutting me
until they told me and then I heard baby cry. I heard IM tell IF,
"That's our baby!" I got a few tears in my eyes and next remembered
being told his weight and name. Dr came to me and put her hands on my
head and said, "You just made two people very happy." IM brough baby
over to me and asked if I wanted to give him a kiss which I had
mentioned before to her wanting to do. I did give him a kiss to wish
him well. My shoulder started hurting so bad and so I was given
morphine. I have no staples as everything was done on the inside. When
they were wheeling us back down the hall to the L&D room I heard
the whole family scream with happiness. I of course was crying in pain.
One of IMs sisters followed me right in my room and comforted me. She
held the ice pack on my shoulder and helped my mom get some of my
jewelry back on me. Family members came in after they saw the baby and
thanked me. Bekah, the youngest sister cried when she saw me which made
me cry even more. It was a very emotional time for us all. Scott got
there alittle before ten and I was so happy to see him. Seems like
right after that I got to go to my room. I was happy to have a RN that
I knew that night and she snuck me a sip of sprite. Actually most of my
RNs I knew which really made me happy. Scott was a big help to me by
being there with me. I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't
there. I know getting out of bed the first time was very hard and he
had the patience for me that's for sure. The night after Gavin was born
IPs came in and sat Gavin down on a pillow which was on my lap for
maybe 30 seconds. They also got me and Scott Subway which was yummy! On
Friday before they left the hospital they brought me and Scott and a
pizza from Dominos which was so yummy too. My mom also came up with my
kids and my kids got to hold Gavin in my IPs room. Then they brought
him down on their way out and sat him on my bed in his carseat for a
picture of me and him. I asked if I could home him but IM said he was
already in his carseat. I gave my IPs a hug good bye and they were
gone. Saturday I pumped for Gavin and left the milk in nursery and IPs
were to go back on Sunday for a test so they would get it then but come
to find out the nursery lost it. Later Saturday night I left the
Well, that's the story of the birth of my surrobaby